Tuesday 4 September 2007

Welcome to Development Communications Network

Development Communications Network is a media-development, capacity-building non-governmental organization coordinated by experienced development journalists. The organization is a product of series of development projects on media (both print and broadcast – including filming and radio production) health promotion, advocacy and capacity building in the Nigerian mass media and the civil society sector from 1995 to date.

Our vision is a society that is literate about science and public health issues. Our mission is to ensure public understanding of science and public health-related research through promotion of excellence in science and public health journalism. We develop appropriate communication strategies for health promotion, scientific literacy, policy development and program implementation.

Development Communication Network's mission is implemented through three approaches: capacity building for journalists; fostering linkage between the media, scientists, civil society and development sector; and public health education promotion.

Welcome to our blog site, and feel free to look around and post any comments/questions!

1 comment:

MTN Sciencentre said...

Where's your photos? Where's your address?